Image of the words 50 Headlines to Increase Email Open Rates | © Launched Academy 2024

Headlines to Increase Email Open Rate

and Simplify Email Writing

Writing emails is such a drag.

You have no idea where to start, you feel like nobody is listening, and those unsubscribes are disheartening. Fear not! With a little wit, a hint of intrigue, and just the right touch of pre-brainstorming, we can make email writing easier and more effective.

Help has arrived!

Below, you’ll find 50 headlines to increase email open rate. These were designed to spark curiosity, pique interest, and encourage your readers to dive right into your content.

In simpler terms: these email headlines should help. While these were written to help increase email engagement, they also have a magic trick—they help you brainstorm the actual content.

Bookmark this page so you can come back again and again!

Image of a girl looking through a magnifying glass at the words, "up the curiosity"  | © Launched Academy 2024 - 50 headlines to increase open rate

Up the Curiosity

  1. Guess what these 10 productivity hacks could do for you
  2. Ever wondered what 5 secrets every [Industry] pro is keeping
  3. Thought you’d love this guide to [Industry] best practices
  4. Wanna know what’s *really* important about [Topic]? I’ve got a clue
  5.  Ever wondered what the experts do for [Specific Task]? I’ll show you
  6. You won’t believe these 7 common mistakes people make in [Industry]
  7. What if I told you there’s a way to [Task] like a pro in no time
  8. Why [X] might be more important than you thought
  9. Quick tips to help you [Desired Outcome]
  10. Wanna know how to [Achieve a Goal] without the overwhelm? Here’s my secret.
  11. 11 ways to do [Task] wrong.
  12. Are you team [x] or team [y]?
  13. Gossip Corner: We have some company tea


Image of a women being helped up with the words, "Help & Resources" over her. </p>
<p> © Launched Academy 2024  | Help for new businesses

 Add Help & Resources

  1.  Just uncovered a ridiculously easy way to simplify [service]
  2. The ultimate checklist for [Specific Task]. Take a look?
  3.  Discovered some tools for [Task] that blew my mind—wanna peek?
  4.  Here’s how to start [Task] like you’ve never done it before
  5.  The ultimate resource for [Area]… and you’re gonna love it
  6.  I made you the perfect step-by-step guide—care to take a look?
  7. Here’s how to [Task] without losing your mind
  8. Quick tips that make [Task] way easier
  9. Here’s the inside scoop on [Topic]—you didn’t hear it from me 😉
  10. Hey, have you tried these 10 [Industry] hacks?


Image of a black woman in a pink shirt celebrating with the words, "quick tips" over her. </p>
<p> © Launched Academy 2024  | Help for new businesses

 Add Quick Tips

  1.  You won’t believe how easy it is to [Solve a Problem]—here’s how
  2.  Just a few tweaks… but they could change everything
  3. The secret to [problem] and [problem]—curious?
  4. These do’s and don’ts might just change your [Task/Area]—trust me
  5. How to [Desired Outcome] without the usual hassle
  6.  These [X] tips could help you [Achieve a Goal] right now. Seriously.
  7. Who says [Task] has to be hard? Here’s how to do it right
  8. Here’s how to [Task] faster than you ever thought possible…
  9.  5 ways to get the most out of [Tool/Resource]
  10. Here’s how [X] steps transformed my [Area of Interest]—curious?
  11. Some strategies to help you unlock your full potential


Image of four women together giving a team high five and celebrating. The words, "don't forget motivation" are over them. </p>
<p> © Launched Academy 2024  | Help for new businesses

 Encouragement & Motivation

  1. Unlock your potential with these strategies (you’ll thank me later)
  2. Ready for a surprise? It is a good surprise, you will like it.
  3. This strategy? It might just be a game-changer for you
  4. Let’s stay ahead in [Industry] together
  5.  You won’t believe how easy it is to improve your [Specific Skill]
  6. little things you can do today for better [Outcome]
  7.  The results are in… and this might just be the answer you’ve been looking for
  8. This could be your key to staying ahead in [Industry]—wanna know more?
  9. These [X] little changes made a big difference in my [Outcome]
  10. Here’s a quick fix to [Solve a Problem]—works like a charm


Image of the back of a women sitting in a desk chair with her arms up in celebration. The words, "highlight trends" is over her. </p>
<p>© Launched Academy 2024 | Headlines to Increase Open Rate

 Highlight Industry Trends

  1. I’ve got something cool for you: [Industry] best practices revealed
  2. Everyone’s talking about this in [Industry]—wanna see why
  3. Why does [X] matter more than you think? Let’s find out
  4. Wanna know how to [Achieve a Goal] faster?
  5. What if I told you this could boost your [Skill/Area] instantly?Found a fresh approach to [Area of Focus]—and it’s a game-changer
  6. Here’s how to make your [Task] easier today
  7. 10 Ways to [Achieve a Goal] Right Now
  8. The #1 Thing You Can Do to Boost Your [Skill/Area]
  9. How to Simplify [Industry Task] in 3 Easy Steps
  10. 🎯 Hit your target with what’s inside!
  11. Zombie apocalypse discount – don’t get eaten alive by high prices!

In Conclusion

It is okay to feel frustrated with emails and email subject lines. It is time to start making it fun. Use these 50 headlines to increase email open rate and to help you brainstorm and give you inspiration

Then start sending those emails and testing what works for your audience. Keep track of the best ones and then use those to inspire even better subject lines!

Bookmark this page for easy referral next time you are email writing.

Good luck!


Image of a woman smiling and drinking coffee with the Launched logo in front of her and the words, "Launch Your Business Academy"</p>
<p>© Launched Academy 2024 | Academy for new business owners

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