About Launched
The Launched Academy teaches new entrepreneurs each step of building a solid business foundation. A good business foundation reduces expensive mistakes, skyrockets sales, and increases profit.
This is who we are, why we exist, and what we care about.

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Kara Laws has worked with these organizations to teach and educate the business owners they work with and support.

Launched Founding Story
In 2015, I was drowning my business. I was booked solid and insanely busy but that was the problem. It was too much. Business was breaking me and I didn’t know what to do or where to find answers.
Say What???
When I FINALLY found the tools to run a profitable business without killing myself I was floored. I was also frustrated that I didn’t have the tools when starting my business. I lost so much money and time doing business wrong.
At the end of my second year of intense business training, I was recruited to teach business education. I started teaching 2-3 full-day business retreats for the company that trained me as well as workshops for government entities.
I started taking on one-on-one coaching clients in 2017. I quickly learned that MOST business owners don’t have the tools they need, we are all winging it. As I helped women go from years of no paycheck to over $1,000,000 in revenue I realized they needed more at the beginning.
Launched Academy
I created the Launch Your Business Academy when I lost track of the number of women who sobbed in our coaching calls saying, “I wish I had known this! I wasted lots time and lost so much money! Where do you get the training at the beginning?” So, I created the training. A six-month, step-by-step training to start and grow your business THE RIGHT WAY.
Effective Education
I paid nearly $100k for my business education. I couldn’t afford it, I just made it work. I don’t want that for other women. So I created a program that was: AFFORDABLE, FLEXIBLE, and highly EFFECTIVE. Every step, in the right order, with constant support.
And that’s how it all started.
“You should NOT have to risk bankruptcy for effective business education.”
ABout Kara
Kara is the CEO an founder of Launched. Here are some of Kara’s career highlights:
Figure Clients
Businesses Built
Businesses Sold
Hey! Hi!
My name is Kara Laws and I am a business educator and author of the book, Don’t Suck at Business.
I teach women all the steps, in the right order, to building a solid business foundation.
Not knowing what to do with your business SUCKS. Not being able to pay the bills SUCKS. Crying under your desk SUCKS. Working out of a space with mice, skunks, and all the bugs because you can’t afford something better SUCKS.
That is why I am here. I have been through all the hard parts of business. I wish there was someone who taught me AT THE BEGINNING how to do it right.
I don’t want other women to go through what I went through. I want YOU to MAKE MONEY. I want your business to add value to your life instead of drain your soul and joy.

Three Kids
All boys. All loud.
Fun Facts
Everyone wants to know the personal stuff so here you go.
Three Kids
All boys. All loud.
Bad Cook
Many fires.
PJs all the time!
“You can do hard things.”
Launched Values
Business education should be affordable
You should NOT have to risk bankruptcy to get effective business support and education.
Done is Better Than Perfect
You cannot edit a blank page. Getting something done – even if it sucks at first – is MORE IMPORTANT than getting things perfect.
Business is Fun
Business is HARD, but it is also so much fun! We like to keep things fun and creative here.
This is one thing about Launched that you should always know. We are not boring!
Be Brave
Creating a business is scary. Self-doubt likes entrepreneurs way too much. At Launched, we constantly remind each other, “You can do hard things. Be brave.”
Business is Secondary
Your business will not be the most important thing in your life. You should never sacrifice your family, physical health, or mental health for your business. We believe in creating businesses that ADD VALUE to your life.
Success Takes a team
No matter how hard we try we cannot do everything on our own. We need coaches, peers, and team members to help teach us, help us when we fall, and keep us moving forward.
“Detailed, clear and well organized. I didn’t realize all the knowledge I was missing for my business until I took this course. Grateful for Kara.”
“Kara Laws has been fantastic to work with. She has helped me go from struggling for the next step to creating a clear path forward. I highly recommend her course.”
Author, Business owner, Mother

I have started six businesses. I have sold four businesses and still run two.
I have a house of boys and a great husband.
My business is usually the sole income for our family.
Business is not a game that I am playing on the side. This is real life.
And your business is real to me as well. I want women all over the world to have more finanical freedom, feel confident in their skills, and KNOW how to provide for their families.
I created the Launch Your Business Academy to make business education accessible to women everywhere. Because of these I give out one scholarship for every five women who join the academy.
About Launched
Get Launched Certified
How we got started
Meet the Launched team
Launched's Mission
Get Launched Certified
How we got started
Meet the Launched team
Launched's Mission

[email protected]
Blanding, UT