Building Courage in Business

The FREE  guide to curating the powers of bravery in your business. 

Let’s get you closer to reaching your big dreams!

starting a business checklist
Launched Logo

The Workbook

Breaking down the overwhelm

Sometimes business is just really hard. 

Somtimes our business kicks us in the the teeth and we want to give up. 

Imagine knowing how to stop the spiral! 

Take charge of your business and build your entrepreneurial grit with the Courage in Business workbook, curtesy of Launched.

Woman with clipboard, business checklist


These are some of our favorite organizations that use our resources and/or education to support the business owners that they serve.

Utah State Logo
America's SBDC Utah logo
Rural Business Summit logo
Women's business center graphic and logo


What People Are Saying About Launched

As a result [of working with Kara], I updated my logo, made the necessary changes to my internet strategy, and have had my most successful year yet, in spite of the pandemic.


Owner, The Red Geranium

Kara helped us break business down into actionable steps and also helped us know what order to tackle different tasks to make progress in starting our business.

Loni Harris

Co-Ownder, Spaghetti Tree Puzzles

This checklist was incredible for helping me launch my business. I already run a business but it is hard to know what needs to be done and in what order. This was amazing!

Cindy Bayles

CEO, Bear Skins Custom Ink

Download your workbook

Getting organized and knowing which step to take next is a constant issue for small business owners. Up your small business game and breakdown those big dreams into simple and attainable steps.

I don’t know why you are still reading. Let’s DO THIS. It is a free download that will help you reach your goals.

You got this!