Nathan webb
Bullies Be Gone
“Launched Academy helped me organize my business and implement systems that kept us afloat during tough times. The support I received enabled me to keep my business moving forward, even in challenging circumstances!”
– Nathan Webb

Nathan Webb
Nathan Webb is a professional speaker and founder of Bullies Be Gone, a platform dedicated to helping parents, educators, and communities build resilient children in today’s tech-heavy world. Through his school assemblies and community nights, Nathan educates and empowers audiences on topics like digital safety, social media dangers, and bullying. His mission is to give parents and educators the tools they need to raise children who can thrive despite the challenges of the modern world.
What he helps with:
- Helping parents and educators raise resilient kids in a tech-heavy world.
- Teaching about digital safety, the dangers of social media, and bullying.
- Providing strategies for building resiliency in children and teenagers.
Nathan’s Journey w/ Launched
Before Launched
Before joining Launched Academy, Nathan’s business lacked organization and he felt as though his gigs were coming by luck rather than strategy. He struggled with having a solid foundation and systems to guide his business.
After Launched
Since working with Launched Academy, Nathan’s business has transformed. His newfound organization and systems have helped him stay afloat during challenging times, and he has been able to operate his speaking business on a full-time basis, even during a tough year.

In 12 Months
Nathan has been with Launched for almost a year.
In that time, he has:
- Become an international speaker, speaking in Canada.
- Managed to get through the school year without going into debt, consistently paying all bills.
- Made regular TV appearances on Good Things Utah.
- Successfully monetized the podcast of a nonprofit he partners with.
- Sharpened his tech skills and learned many new tools to support his business.
About Launched
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How we got started
Meet the Launched team
Launched's Mission
Get Launched Certified
How we got started
Meet the Launched team
Launched's Mission

[email protected]
Blanding, UT