Why educating IS selling, and why you should be educating your potential clients.
“Don’t give it all away,” another business coach whispers.
Business owners, especially service providers, are told to keep a lot of things secret.
“Just give them a little taste.”
“Don’t give them so much that they can do it on their own.”
Here’s the thing, the truth: When you are educating you ARE selling.
Educating your protentional clients is what allows them to TRUST you. We hear it all the time, “We buy from people we know, like, and trust.”
That trust piece doesn’t mean they trust you as a decent human. It doesn’t mean that they trust you to be kind. It means that they trust that you KNOW.
You know what you are talking about.
You know how to help them.
You know what how to change their lives.
You know how to do an amazing job.
According to Forbes, “Training and educating customers is one of the best ways to build relationships and develop customer loyalty.”
Potential clients are not looking for someone they trust to watch their wallet, they are looking for someone they trust to DO THE JOB.
We buy from businesses that we trust KNOW their stuff, and know more than us. What better way to showcase your knowledge than to educate your potential customers.

In fact, 77% of B2B purchasers said they don’t speak to a salesperson until they do their own research. That means they are out there looking for the education. Be the education. Earn their trust long before your potential clients are ready to buy.
When we feel “sold to” that typically means that someone is talking at us. They aren’t teaching us. They are not listening. They are pushing.
Stop pushing and start really TEACHING.
I hosted a workshop this afternoon and one of my clients said, “I like to do it myself because I am afraid others will do it wrong.” In other words, she hasn’t met someone she TRUSTS to do it right.
Stop hiding your knowledge for fear that someone will take it. LET. YOUR. KNOWLEDGE. SHINE!!
Your incredible expertise is what will earn you that coveted trust.
Make sure you are educating your potential clients.
Educating IS selling.
p.s. Do-it-yourself-ers do it themselves no matter what. They weren’t your potential clients to start with. Don’t worry about what they are going to do. Focus on the people that you serve the very, very best.

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