
Your business further!

and have a good time along the way


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The Launch Your Business Academy is a cancel anytime membership. It is an end to end program that guides you through each step of building a profitable business.

You don’t have to guess anymore. We give you each step, in the right order.

Launched Logo

How it Works

Phase One:

Get Established

In phase one of the academy we make sure your business is setup properly, you have the correct licenses, and you understand how to have benefits while being self employeed.

Phase Two:

Make Money

The second phase of the academy is all about making money. We will walk through how to be remembered, marketing that makes and impact, and getting found online. Get money coming in!

Phase Three:


Once you have money coming in, we are going to work on how to make sure you have the correct pricing strategy, can scale with demand, and how to reach a bigger audience.

Client Experiences

Kara Laws laughing, woman in green laughing with planets and stars, Launched Academy, small business education

Expand and Grow

“I wish I would have known about Launch and the Launch Your Business Academy before I started my business.

I’ve now been in business for over a year and I’m still learnning valuable lessons from Launched.

[They] will no doubt help me expand my reach and grow my sales.”


FulFILLed Utah
CEO | Founder


Anne Stapel with Stapel Signs and her family

Life Changing

“The Launch Your Business Academy has changed everything in my business.

When I started the program I already had my business, but this program helped me move into things I never thought of.

It was life changing. I would recommend this 100,000%.”


The Wright way to Organize 
CEO | Founder


Ashlea Carter, business checklist

Engaging and Helpful

“If you own a business, this course is for you. I’ve been hesitant in the past because I feel like I’ve taken courses that didn’t really teach anything new – not this course!

I learned SO many things. Kara is a fantastic teacher and is very engaging and helping. I love all of the worksheets and accountability you get from the group. Highly, highly, highly recommend!” 

Ashlea Carter

Ashlea Carter Graphic Solutionist
CEO | Founder

Academy Details

Here are the details on what you can expect to learn from the Launch Your Business Academy.

Branding & Loyalty

How to created branding that creates loyalty. You will have the opportunity to create (or refine) your brand and your branding message.

When your audience can remember and relate to you, they are willing to spend more money with you.


There will be some art projects in this unit as we dive into creating the perfect world for your ideal customer and how to guide them through their client journey.

This means that you will know which marketing investments are making you money and which ones are draining your bank account.

Online Presence

Online presence is so much more than social media. In unit three we will discover the Findability Score for your new business. 

A company that is easily found online is a company that has a higher potential for clients. How can people buy your goods and services if they cannot find you?

Get out there! Be proud!


Finance is not scary! It can actually be really cool and fun. In unit four we will talk all about business finances.

When you understand and actively review your finances you can make decisions that bring you the most money with the least amount of work.


Systems in your business are what give you business freedom. Systems allow you to grow your business while maintaining good quality control. 

When you set up effective and efficient systems you create a more sustainable and profitably business. You also get to work less.


Collaboration creates massive growth for your business. But it must be done. 

We will talk about collaborating with your team, your clients, and other businesses to increase your revenue.

The right collaborations will expand your business in more ways than you can imagine.

Academy Outline

Woman waiting to join the Launch Your Business Academy while sitting in a white chair and holding an application

Pre-Recs Syllabus

    1. Choosing Your Business Name
    2. Protecting Your Business Name
    3. The Importance of a Business Model
    1. Your Entity Type
    2. Registration, EIN, & Licenses
    1. Business Bank Accounts
    2. Business Funding
    3. Business Insurance
    1. Planning for Retirement
    2. Paid Time Off & Sick Leave

Includes: Getting started workbook

Branding & Loyalty Syllabus

    1. Why Does Branding Matter?
    2. Your Brand Story
    1. Your Message
    2. Your Voice
    3. Your Physical Presentation
    1. Your Logo
    2. How to be Remembered
    3. Branding Quiz

Includes: Three bonus courses, step-by-step workbook

Marketing Syllabus

    1. Your Marketing Advantages
    2. Updating Your Marketing
    1. Fans, Friends, Frustraters, Foes
    2. Creating Your Planet
    3. Good & Bad Watering Holes
    1. Creating a Client Journey
    2. Client Journey Examples
    3. Tracking Like Your Business Depends on it
    4. Marketing Quiz

Includes: Marketing workbook and funnel tracking spreadsheet

Online Presence Syllabus

  1. GOOGLE 101
    1. Why Your Online Presence Matters
    2. Your Findability Score
    3. Google My Business 101
    4. Can Google See You?
    1. Why Social Media Exists
    2. Are You on the Right Platforms?
    3. Increasing Engagement
    4. Turning Followers into Customers
    1. Which Website Platform is Best for You?
    2. Website 101: About the Fold, CTA, & Purchasing Barriers
    3. How to Own Your Space
    4. Online Presence Quiz

Includes: Bonus goal tracker class

Finance Syllabus

    1. Increase Your Profit with C.A.S.H.
    2. Building a Business Budget
  2. WEEK TWO 
    1. Wave & Your Chart of Accounts
    2. Personal Finance vs Business Finance
    3. Pricing Your Products
    1. Cashflow Cycle
    2. Profit & Loss
    3. Finance Quiz

Includes: Money management kit

Systems Syllabus

    1. Why do Systems Matter?
    2. Good Systems vs Bad Systems
  2. WEEK TWO 
    1. Defining the Roles in Your Business
    2. Hiring in the Right Places
    3. Streamlining Your Tasks
    1. Creating Automations
    2. Putting it all Together with P.L.A.N.E.T.
    3. Systems Quiz

Includes: Step-by-step systems workbook and systems tracking spreadsheet templates

Collaboration Syllabus

    1. Five Types of Collaboration
    2. Choosing the Right Collaboration
    1. Finding the Right Collaboration Partners
    2. Collaboration Journey
    1. Reaching Out to Collaborators
    2. Collaboration Contracts
    3. Collaboration Quiz

Includes: Collaboration workbook and collaboration planning spreadsheet kit

Recorded Classes

This six month program has weekly classes. These classes are 10-20 min each and are pre-recorded so you can learn at a time that works with your schedule.

Live Calls

Each month there will be a live group call or mastermind. You can ask questions, work though roadblocks, and move forward together. Coloring will likely be included.


Expert Coaches

You can upload your work, questions, and offers to our community groups. In these groups you have access to our expert coaches who will be thrilled to give you feedback, tips, and direction. We got you!

Academy Promise

Girl wearing a tool belt with the Launch Your Business Academy promise to provide actual business tools instead of magic.

This academy is not wishful thinking. It is not magic.

You will have the tools, knowledge, and COMMUNITY to get through the tough times in your business. The Launched Your Business Academy prepares you for business. 

We give you the tools to create your own future and get through all the blocks standing in your way. 

We Work with



Work Too Much

Business ownership can eat you alive, take all your time, and keep you working late everyday.

We help give you your life back.

don't make enough

If you are working hard but still not seeing the return that you need in your business, this academy is for you.

Let’s get you profitable.

Don't Know where to start

Building a business often feels confusing. Many business owners are lost and have no idea what to do first.

We made you a map.

Lack a Foundation

If your business feels like chaos and you have no idea if you are making the right decisions, or even have the right prices, this academy was created for you.

How to know if you are ready

Launched is here to help women build their new business.
But, there are few things that you need before we can get started.

Have a product/service

Before you enroll in the Launch Your Business Academy you need a product or service near ready to sell.

It doesn't have to be perfect, but if you are selling puzzles you will need to be less than three months out of having puzzles in hand.

3 Hrs per week

The Launch Your Business Academy requires approx three hours of work a week.

That is less than 45 min per day! With less time than a movie you can be making more money, feeling less stress, and growing you business. 

Willing to Learn

In this online program we are looking for entrepreneurs who are eager and willing to learn and implement.

If you already know all the things, or like to argue about all the things you know, this is definitely not the academy for you.


Starting a business is hard work! The Launch Your Business Academy gives you all the steps and simplifies the process but it cannot make up for hard work and dedication.

If you are ready for this program, you need to be dedicated to seeing it through.


“I cannot say enough good things! There are a lot of business coaches and educators out there, but few are as authentic, caring and approachable as Kara and her team.

The courses are dripped out intentionally slow so you’re forced to really take your time and not rush through building your foundation.

It IS that important and she GETS that. The material is also super digestible and focused. 

Thank you SO MUCH for all the handholding and cheerleading! <3″

Christian Palmer

Owner, Pogs & Jello Tarot

“Ready to get your business on a solid foundation? Want to have your business foundation so solid you could sell it one day? Kara at Launched Academy can help you get your foundation set up properly. From branding, licenses, insurance, marketing, finance, you name it, Launched Academy is going to give you everything you need to know your business is set up correctly so you can be around for many many years.”

Georgia Rye

Owner, Holistic Healing from Within

What else is included?


Computer screen showing the Launch Your Business Academy, Launched
Six months to Launched worksheet examples, five pages

But wait, There's more! 

  • Printable Workbooks
    Most of our courses include a printable workbook. These gives you the hands-on space to create and implement your business planning.
  • Training Certification
    This is certified business training! At the end of your program you will have the papers to prove it.
  • Business Breakthrough Packet
    We have so many cool things for you. It might sound weird but our spreadsheets are the They can help you track ads, analyze your pricing, and figure out your annual projections. You want these.
  • Coloring Assignments
    We do not do boring here. Coloring assignments help you brainstorm, see creative options, and remember what you learned. Plus, they are fun and your office needs décor. 😉
  • Launched Learning Library
    The Launch Your Business Academy also comes with a whole library full of additional training and resources from Launched Academy

Make real progress

The most important part of the Launch Your Business Academy is that it was created to help you get out of
the “Learning Loop”
and make actual progress in your business.

Here are three ways the academy helps business owners take solid steps forward.

Expert Calls

Each month we will hand pick industry experts to teach live workshops on their business specialty. Need help with Facebook ads? We have an expert for that. 

Automated Checklist

As you finish each lesson 1-3 tasks will be automated added to your task list with details instruction. No more wondering what do next. 



Every other month we have a group mastermind. These are true masterminds where you have 3-4 business owners working on your specific business problem.

Clients Stats

We believe in measurable results

Client stats graphic for Launched

What you can expect from the Launch Your Business Academy*:

  • Increase in General BUsiness Knowledge by 291%.
  • Increase in confidence by 252%. 

*When clients start working with us we do an onboarding survey to give us a benchmark number. We do another survey at three months, and a final survey at six months.

Academy Investment

  • Business Pre-Recs Course: $300
  • Six Foundation Courses: $1782
  • Workbooks and Kits: $300
  • Bonus Classes: $197
  • Group Coaching: $3600
  • Expert Calls: $2980
  • Launched Learning Library: $1164
  • Exclusive Facebook group
  • Launched discounts (20%-50%)

Total Value : $10,023

Current Price: $97/mo

 Cancel anytime! The only thing you have to lose is your business frustation and overwhelm. 

How do I know if it is the right time to start?

There is not "right time" in life. We wait and wait and wait for the "right time". And then we wake up and realize that we are still in the same place we were five years ago -- still waiting for the "right time".

If you are dedicated to seeing your business succeed, THIS is the right time. 

What if I don't have a business yet?

It depends. If you are just thinking about maybe, someday starting a business, this might not be the right program for you.

But if you are dedicated to MAKING MONEY in your new business within the next six months, this is for you.

What if I already started my business?

Perfect! This program was created for business owners that are struggling to make the money they need in their business. 

If your business is still kicking your butt, this is a great program for you. 

What if I can't afford the academy?

Not only is the academy incredibly well priced for the insane level of support that we offer, we also have scholarships available.

Scholarships are awarded at the beginning of each academy round based on the numbers of members in that cohort.

To apply for a full or particial scholarship please contact us.

I don't have much time. Can I keep up?


A super dedicated person could make it through all the course work in four months. But we created the Launch Your Business Academy to be spread out.

We want you to spend time on each topic and implement. You have plenty of time to take a break, to retake a class, and to take your time.

You got this.


 You can build a successful business.

We just make it a whole lot little easier.


The Final Word

"If anyone is on the journey of starting their own business, taking Launched Academy along for the ride with you is a MUST!

Everything is laid out step-by-step, with lots of help and support along the way. Going out on your own is scary, and the resources at Launched Academy are spot-on. Check it out!"

Lynette Wehner

Owner, Listen Within Wellness

"Kara is the best! She consistently over-delivers and provides high value left and right. I also like that the group is made up of people working in different fields.

The feedback and ideas have a lot of variety when it comes to thinking about how your audience may relate to you and your offerings. Wish I would have found [Launched] earlier than I did."

Jillian Shiembob

CEO | Owner, Restore and Core Physical Therapy

"I did the academy course, and absolutely happy about the result. Kara was really knowledgeable about all business concepts, and can explain it detailed. Absolute happy about her service."

Yuqi Liu

Owner, Ms L Chinese Language

"Phenomenal step-by-step information. The foundation of a business is critical and Launched will help you get started the right way. 

A plus, Kara's background in business give this program personal grit! Two thumps up!"

Judy Howard

Owner, A Best Clean